Daniele Loffreda
Senior Advisor, Industry Marketing
Daniele Loffreda is the State/Local Government, Education & Healthcare Industry Advisor at Ciena. You can find him on Twitter at @dgloffreda.
Insights from Daniele Loffreda

Is your tollway authority searching for non-toll revenue sources? Look no further than your fiber assets.
Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda discusses options for tollway authorities to generate new revenue sources by leveraging their fiber network assets.

Fixed wireless access + fiber = smart, connected roadways
The investment needed to improve and repair public physical transportation infrastructure for things like roads, bridges, and highways is critical, but did you know it’s equally as important to do the same for our digital transportation

Securing "Work from Anywhere" Access to State and Local Government Digital Applications
In 2022, state and local government agencies remain attractive targets for cyberattacks. Governments are finding that their ‘work from home’ deployments are challenged to meet the cybersecurity requirements since their network perimeter is no

5 tips to a successful virtualized enterprise edge deployment
Are you looking to replace physical network devices in branch locations with software-based virtual network functions (VNFs)? Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda gives you five tips to follow to ensure a timely and smooth transition to a virtualized

5 tips to a successful virtualized enterprise edge deployment
Are you looking to replace physical network devices in branch locations with software-based virtual network functions (VNFs)? Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda gives you five tips to follow to ensure a timely and smooth transition to a virtualized

Is your network putting the brakes on your intelligent transportation system?
As intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications become more sophisticated, ensuring network uptime has become increasingly difficult for state departments of transportation (DOTs). Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda highlights how DOT’s can add

Three key optimization strategies to resolve state and local government network challenges
What are the biggest challenges and priorities for state and local government networks? Daniele Loffreda shares insights from recent surveys along with optimization recommendations.

Adaptive Learning is the Future of Education. Are Education Networks Ready?
Educators are increasingly leaning on EdTech and Adaptive Learning tools that personalize and improve the student learning experience. Here's the critical role the network plays in making these disruptive new learning tools a reality.

Want to simplify and automate your Department of Transportation MPLS network? Try Segment Routing.
As intelligent transportation technologies evolve in sophistication to improve safety and reduce congestion, Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda explains how the network that connects thousands of these digital devices must also evolve.

Reopen, reimagine and redesign: how a “virtualized edge” enables state CIO’s to thrive in today’s environment
As more employees work remotely, state governments are considering how to best support a more dispersed workforce, while still meeting citizen needs. Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda explains how a virtualized edge can help.

Next-generation networks help DOT’s deliver quality motorist experience
Converged packet-optical technology enhances Department of Transportation’s intelligent transportation systems while paving the way for future automated highways.

Intelligent automation can help state governments boost performance of current network infrastructure while containing costs
As the need to deliver a higher quality of experience to network customers collides with budget constraints, Ciena’s automation solutions may help state governments be more agile, efficient, and cost-effective.

When time is money, banks can’t afford a network outage
To deliver a higher quality customer experience, banks of all sizes are deploying innovative digital applications and partnering with FinTechs to bundle new services. Learn how Ciena’s Blue Planet Route Optimization Assurance (ROA) product can

Adaptive IP can help accelerate bank branch transformation
With a modern, packet-based network that includes segment routing, network operators can deliver agile, on-demand connectivity services that enable bank branches to provide high-quality experiences customers demand.

Does your enterprise lack the infrastructure necessary to support disruptive technologies?
Daniele Loffreda explains what you need to consider when looking to use new artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

Powering 21st Century Learning for K-12 Students - Can You Meet the Changing Demands?
Learning environments are having to evolve to prepare students for the impacts from artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and genomics. Is your school ready? Daniele Loffreda shows what K-12 Leaders need to do to design the

Will disruptive healthcare technologies disrupt hospital networks?
New innovations stemming from artificial intelligence, machine learning and connected health are changing the way medical professionals treat their patients. Doctors are having to adapt to take advantage of these developments – but has their

Is It Time to Replace Your Network's Annual Check-Up?
The evolution toward a more personalized health maintenance program will create an explosion of data putting more pressure on our communication networks. Is your network healthy enough to make the sharing of this information possible?

EdTech: 6 Reasons Why Your E-Rate Funding Request Will Be Denied
Wondering why your E-Rate funding request was denied or delayed? Ciena's SLED & Healthcare Industry Advisor, Daniele Loffreda, explains.

4 EdTech Mega-Trends Driving Change in the Classroom
Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda looks at new trends in education technology, and the challenge of integrating them into the classroom.

Smart Transit: Moving Beyond Points A and B
Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda explains smart transit, the smart rail experience of the future is a fully integrated experience.

Winds of Change in Smart Cities?
Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda reflects on the evolution in what he’s hearing from CIOs and others in the smart city movement.

Concern, Confusion and Hope Surround E-Rate Program
Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda reflects on current conventional wisdom among E-rate stakeholders.

Digital Equity in K-12 Requires a Wide Digital Highway
Ciena's Daniele Loffreda spent the week at the CoSN'17 annual conference that gathers K-12 EdTech leaders from around the U.S. Here's his report on the key themes from the show.

Smart City Politics: Are Smart City Projects in for a Fundamental Reshape?
The changes we're seeing in the political landscape have the immediate potential to fundamentally reshape the direction of the Smart City concept.

Five K-12 Trends That Will Make Life Interesting for CIO’s in 2017
A new year and a new administration meets a K-12 technology evolution that is rolling along full steam. Will there be changes that shift EdTech in another direction, or continue along the same track?

How to Ensure Your K12 Broadband Network Makes the Grade
Daniele Loffreda, Ciena's education networks expert, details what your K12 Broadband network needs to be ready.

3 Classroom Tech Trends Impacting Your Education Broadband Network
With classroom and educational technology usage exploding, it’s time to examine three tech trends that are going to have a significant impact on your broadband network.

Defending the smart city: 3 aspects to a holistic security approach
With all the hype around Smart Cities today, you’d think they are ubiquitous. But even though there are a few high-profile examples: Barcelona, Rio..

Why Smart Cities Need Adaptable Pipes
For cities to evolve and realize the full benefits of becoming “smart” they will require real-time access to multiple sources of data from different locations. Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda explains what is needed from the next-generation of

Tomorrow's cities: evolving from "smart" to Adaptive
Cities are going smart – trying to deal with the proliferation of people, sensors, automobiles and a range of devices that demand network access and generate mind-boggling amounts of data. However, being smart is not an instance in time, and a

Is technology the answer to stopping unsafe driving behaviors?
All of us at times, are guilty of unsafe driving. Learn about a project Ciena is working on with the Colorado Department of Transportation to reduce traffic accidents and make our daily travels safer.