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Helen Xenos

Senior Director, Portfolio Marketing


Helen Xenos

Senior Director, Portfolio Marketing

Helen Xenos is Senior Director of Portfolio Marketing at Ciena. She is responsible for introducing Ciena’s converged packet optical solutions and technologies to market, including Ciena’s industry leading WaveLogic high-capacity coherent optical solutions.  She is a frequent blogger and speaker, and enjoys rendering technical speak into the exciting implications it means for network providers. Across her 20+ yr career in the telecommunications industry, Ms. Xenos’ roles include product management, systems engineering and test engineering.

Insights from Helen Xenos

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1.6 Tb/s is here: What it means for networks and the industry

The next era of networking is here: 1.6 Tb/s. Ciena’s Helen Xenos explains the technology breakthroughs that made this possible, how this changes networking – and what it means for the industry.

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Coherent comes to the data center: Meet Ciena’s 1.6 Tb/s Coherent-Lite pluggable

Ciena's Helen Xenos explains the drivers and use cases of Ciena's 1.6T Coherent-Lite pluggable transceiver, the latest optical innovation from Ciena, powered by advanced 3nm CMOS.

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The journey to 1.6T: Understanding the technologies making 1.6Tb/s possible

Helen Xenos explains how the technology choices behind Ciena’s WaveLogic 6 Extreme 1.6 terabit coherent optics translate to optimal economic benefits for your network.

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The journey to 1.6T: Why 1.6T and what’s in it for you

Incredible as it may sound, network providers will soon be able to evolve their optical networks to 1.6Tb/s transmission. What does the journey to 1.6T look like? And why is that the right destination? Learn how it starts with your requirements and

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What’s new from Ciena in optical? The breadth of innovation may surprise you

Once again Ciena is breaking barriers across both performance and footprint-optimized coherent optics, learn about our latest optical innovations here.

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Whirlwind tour: How 800G is already benefiting network providers around the world

Did you know that Ciena has shipped more than 25,000 800G modems to 140 unique operators around the world? How is this transforming networks and the services delivered? Join Ciena’s Helen Xenos as she takes you on a tour around the world to get a

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3 unique network provider perspectives on IP/Optical convergence

What are network providers thinking about IP/Optical Convergence? Representatives from Microsoft, Telia Carrier and Cox Communications recently participated in a panel “Evolution to Coherent WDM Integration in Routers” moderated by Ciena’s

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Digital sustainability: calculating the green impact of coherent technology innovations

How are network operators able to send 20 times more capacity over fiber – without seeing their power consumption and real estate demands grow at the same pace? The answer: sustained innovation of coherent technology – driven by our WaveLogic

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Updated: 800G – nothing but the facts

If you have been following Ciena, you know 800G adoption is underway. With that comes a lot of interest and questions. Ciena’s Helen Xenos sat down to share insights from 800G customer deployments to help you understand the facts.

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800G adoption soars in 2020

With the industry’s first programmable 800G solution in market this year, how fast have customers been embracing it? Ciena’s Helen Xenos explains and provides an update on how network operators across different geographies and applications are

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Ciena and TELUS bring 800G to Canada, break worldwide transmission record

Ciena’s Helen Xenos had a front row seat as TELUS and Ciena turned up the first single-wavelength 800G in Canada across TELUS’s network, and at a record-breaking distance.

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How 3 technology advancements provide new options for scaling your optical network

To meet growing bandwidth demands, network providers do not always have the option to acquire or turn-up new fiber resources. Ciena’s Helen Xenos explains how technology advancements are providing three new options to efficiently scale your

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800G is here: pushing the boundaries of what your network can do

The wait is over. 800G has been tested and proven in real production networks with Ciena’s WaveLogic 5 Extreme. Learn about how the technology is developed and the value it is bringing to network providers.

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Ciena’s role in recent 400G industry-first milestones

Are you confused about the recent 400G milestones announced and how this is different than what has been discussed for a few years? Helen Xenos provides a closer look at the technology used so you can understand the importance of these announcements.

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How coherent technology decisions that start in the lab impact your network

What is the difference between 400G, 600G and 800G coherent solutions? It seems to be obvious, but is it just about maximum wavelength capacity? Why are different baud, modulations or DSP implementations used, and more importantly, what are the

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Latest trends in optical networks- straight from NGON & DCI World

The optical industry came together in Nice for NGON & DCI World last week. Helen Xenos gives you an update on the important topics and trends driving change in the optical networking landscape.

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The implications behind service and content provider requirements for coherent optical solutions

As coherent technology plays an increasingly critical role in the network, Ciena’s Helen Xenos delves into the details behind what network providers need from their suppliers.

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The evolving coherent optical networking landscape: a deep dive

Ciena’s Helen Xenos explains how network providers are now at an inflection point and must evaluate innovative approaches to elevate their customers’ experiences.

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One year of Programmable 400G: Insights into how WaveLogic Ai has changed the optical landscape

It has been one year since we started shipping our WaveLogic Ai coherent optical technology! Ciena’s Helen Xenos takes a moment to share what we have learned in this whirlwind year, and why it’s important for the optical industry.

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3 videos about next-generation 400G networking you must watch

Don’t miss these 3 videos that explain what the next-generation optical networking is, how it works, and how it was developed.

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Why the Secret Behind Strong Early Adoption of 400G Technology is … 200G

400G is a hot topic these days – but how is it really being used? Ciena’s Optical expert Helen Xenos explains what we mean by 400G – and what is driving the demand for this new technology.

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Celebrating the Rise of 400G

The era of 400G was in full force at OFC and we took some time to celebrate this milestone. Here are what our customers have to say about their 400G success – and what it means for the industry.

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Fiber densification without complexity the goal of two new Ciena platforms

To support the bandwidth demands on already taxed networks, providers are looking for solutions that can provide step-level improvements in operational efficiencies instead of just incremental advancements to support more capacity within the same

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What is Fiber Densification?

There is a new term that is increasingly cropping up in networking conversations: densification. Ciena’s Helen Xenos explains what this is and how it is elevating the end user experience.

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400G Industry Adoption is Taking Off

The adoption of 400G is ramping up. Ciena’s Helen Xenos takes a look at how this compares with adoption rates of technology in the past and how operators are already using it today.

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Standards Update: 200GbE, 400GbE and Beyond with Pete Anslow – “Live” from Geneva

Ciena's Helen Xenos talks to Pete Anslow, our Ethernet standards guru, about the newly approved IEEE standards for 200GbE and 400GbE.

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Meet the People who brought 400G to Optical

How do you deliver innovation that brings tremendous value to customers 1 year earlier? You use a team that has done it before with 40G, 100G, 200G, and now with 400G.

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Move Over 200G, 400G is the New Sexy

The 400G era is here, with Ciena's new WaveLogic Ai chipset making news with some of the world's largest service providers. Ciena's Helen Xenos digs into the details.

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Blue Planet Blog

Our involvement with AT&T’s 400GbE trial and what it means for the industry

AT&T has successfully trialed 400GbE across its production network. Helen Xenos details how Ciena helped make it happen, and what this milestone means for the industry.

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The Top 3 Take-Aways from NGON 2017

What does lemon pie have to do with next-gen optical network architectures? Quite a bit actually, explains Ciena's Helen Xenos.

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Why Successful Business Transformation Requires a New Type of Optical Network

New coherent technology innovations are now making it possible to challenge several longstanding assumptions associated with how optical networks are built.

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Ciena unveils Liquid Spectrum: The future of software-defined optical networks

For all the “agile” innovation over the last decade, today's optical networks are still predominantly static. This changes with Ciena's Liquid Spectrum.

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Your Top 4 Questions Answered About WaveLogic Ai

Our new Ciena WaveLogic Ai coherent chipset has been generating a lot of excitement and interest from our customers. Ciena's Helen Xenos gives answers to their four most common questions.

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Ciena unveils WaveLogic Ai: Massive scale and automation for the self-driving network

Ciena has unveiled WaveLogic Ai, our next generation WaveLogic coherent optical chipset. WaveLogic Ai delivers a combination of scale, automation and intelligence that is foundational for enabling the vision of a self-driving network.

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Quantifying the benefits of tunable coherent modems

How do you reduce optical transport costs to compete in an aggressive market? Helen Xenos talks about the economics of tunable coherent transport.