Boxer punch in the dark

Aligning Blue Planet with the future of intelligent network automation

Ciena’s Blue Planet is being evolved into a more independent division focused on intelligent automation. Rick Hamilton, who leads this new division, explains how aligning your IT and network operations via Blue Planet unleashes a powerhouse combination for digital transformation.

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Water drops and ripples

The implications behind service and content provider requirements for coherent optical solutions

As coherent technology plays an increasingly critical role in the network, Ciena’s Helen Xenos delves into the details behind what network providers need from their suppliers.

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Woman virtual reality imposed on cityscapeTop 5 business benefits of modernizing legacy networks

Want to modernize your Business Services (TDM, Layer 2, and Layer 3) to cost-effectively generate new revenue streams without adversely affecting your existing network?

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Highway traffic streaksModernizing your storage area network? Don’t neglect the interconnect

Ciena’s Patrick Scully explains how flexible, programmable infrastructure eliminates network bottlenecks in flash environments.

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It's a journey. Ciena is your partner.

Today's networks grow smarter, more agile, and more nuanced every day. To harness this exponentially increasing complexity, you need a network that can adapt to the environment quickly.

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