Weekly roundup | Ciena network insights | October 27, 2017
12 Questions Answered on 5G Networks
Planning for 5G is well underway, with Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) already taking 5G into consideration as they architect new network builds. Ciena’s resident expert, Brian Lavallée, talks 5G rollouts and how ultimate success will depend MNOs making sure that they have fiber in place for the massive bandwidth increases that are sure to come as 5G comes online.
What will it take to bring quantum cryptography to the masses?
The coming of quantum computing requires a revolution in security and encryption to keep data safe. Ciena’s Patrick Scully details the challenges ahead in making quantum cryptography a reality.
Will Automation in the Clouds Propel the Winds of SDN and
Five years after the advent of SDN and NFV, those technologies have moved into production spurred on by Cloud, IoT and 5G mega-trends. However, SDN/NFV adoption is far from mainstream. Recent discussions at SDN & NFV World Congress shed light on the reason why: Automation is the missing link.
OTN is a digital wrapper that provides an efficient and globally accepted way to multiplex different services onto optical light paths