Yellow and orange streaks of light

The top 6 features of a truly future-proof converged Ethernet and IP network

Frank Miller, CTO for EMEA at Ciena, details how evolving networks cost effectively with converged Ethernet and IP can help network operators keep pace with exploding traffic demands, increase network efficiency, simplify infrastructure, and deliver multiple services over a single, cost-effective architecture.

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Man sitting with laptop on cliff ledgeOutpacing Bandwidth Demands with an Open, Intelligent Network – Right to the Edge

Ciena just walked away with 3 awards from the Telecom Asia Readers' Choice & Innovation Awards.

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Boys eating same donut

From the Archive: Sharing Bandwidth with the Neighbors

Whether you realize it or not, all connections over the Internet are shared connections. That goes for your residential cable broadband connection, too.

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What is NFV?
NFV replaces expensive dedicated network hardware with simple software appliances.

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