Level up with online planning to maximize ROI
Are you faced with the need to build-out network capacity in a world of ever-increasing demand for bandwidth? That’s a good challenge to have. With the PlannerPlus online network planning and design tool, a component of Ciena’s Navigator Intelligent Apps , you can build and augment your optical network quickly and easily. That means you can grow incrementally, as needed, and avoid spending capital dollars today for capacity that will be underutilized for months to come.
Planning made simple
With PlannerPlus, you can easily design photonic DWDM networks and validate them using sophisticated link engineering, resulting in designs that are guaranteed over the life of the system. Choose from a wide range of configurations for planning photonic lines over fiber routes, and for supporting wavelengths from 10G to 800G—as well as planning client services over those wavelengths. PlannerPlus automates the workflow, creates the quote, and generates commissioning scripts. Once the physical equipment is in place, deployment is a mere click away.

Features and benefits
End-to-end capacity management
Accelerates end-to-end workflow from network utilization monitoring, trend analysis, network planning, resource commissioning, and service provisioning via tight integration with Ciena’s Navigator Multi-layer Controller and Navigator Intelligent Apps
Easy to use
Features an intuitive GUI to clearly visualize network layout and design—with planned, reserved, and deployed views
Quicker buildouts as you need them
Saves manual time and effort, reducing the planning horizon and enabling dynamic planning to adapt to changing market conditions
Get a head start on your planning activities
Ciena Services delivers single-point-of-service management so you can quickly deploy your solution and start realizing the benefits of PlannerPlus as quickly as possible. With deep expertise and domain knowledge in management and operations systems, Ciena’s experts can help you throughout all stages of your PlannerPlus adoption as you build, operate, and improve your network. Notably, Ciena’s Navigator Hosted Service is a premium, cloud-based service that is deployed, managed, and maintained by our experts in dedicated hosted infrastructure based on your network configuration and functional needs.
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