A path to better broadband: Achieving optimal coverage and uptake through open access
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Exploring Ciena's growing family of Optical Network Units (ONUs)
As PON adoption grows, the importance of having a range of Optical Networking Units (ONUs) is even more critical to serve the diverse set of use cases operators are facing. Ciena’s Chuck Harris explores the expanding portfolio of ONUs Ciena has to
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Optimizing passive optical networks with coherent innovation
This paper examines coherent passive optical networks (CPONs) and their role in advancing optical distribution networks (ODNs). It covers CPON background, objectives, and impact on ODN efficiency, including AI integration for enhanced management.
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Campus PON
Over the course of the last 20-plus years, the cost to deploy fiber to the home (FTTH) has come down dramatically (from ~$4,000/HH in 2001 to ~$700/HH in densely populated areas in 2023). Simultaneously, the worldwide service provider PON market has
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