With the voracious appetite of consumers in Asia for high-bandwidth content, 100GbE at the edge is coming to APAC sooner than you think. Should you be concerned? Download this infographic to learn why preparing your network to turn up bandwidth capacity to the edge is essential for sustainable business growth.
Turn up your Ethernet services with 100GbE at the edge
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The state of Segment Routing: A look at the past, present, and future
It’s been two years since our last research study on the role of Segment Routing (SR) in networks. What has changed? What’s remained the same? Where do global operators' preferences lie now? ACG Research surveyed service provider executives
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5134 Product data sheet
Ciena’s 5134 is a cost-effective 10GbE/25GbE-to-100GbE aggregation router purpose-built to meet the demands of mobile xHaul aggregation as well as broadband access
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Service-Aware Operating System
The Service-Aware Operating System (SAOS) is the foundation of Ciena’s extensive routing and switching offerings. A secure, robust, and scalable carrier-grade network operating system, SAOS powers Ethernet and IP network services for more than 350
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