David W. Boertjes
Director, Photonics Research and Development
David joined Nortel’s Optical Networks division in 1998 where he worked on fibreoptic transmission products with a particular focus on photonics. David received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of New Brunswick, a Master’s degree in Physics from Dalhousie University and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta. David’s PhD research was in the area of optical telecommunications at TRLabs in Edmonton, focusing on applications of active and passive polymer optics for low cost photonic components.
David is currently a senior member of The Optical Society (OSA) and has also served as the chair of two OFC subcommittees. David’s work within Ciena’s R&D has resulted in more than 20 patents in the area of photonic transport. In 2014 David received Ciena’s Distinguished Engineer Award.
You can find him on LinkedIn.
Insights from David W. Boertjes

Optical Network Expert Series: Leveraging network analytics for unprecedented control and monitoring
Ciena's David Boertjes explains how analytics can help monitor and control the the signal-to-noise ratio margin and David Côté explains how machine learning can be applied to fiber characterization for optimal system performance.

Optical Network Expert Series: Designing programmable infrastructure to achieve near-zero margin networks
Ciena’s optical network expert, David Boertjes, discusses the programmable infrastructure needed to achieve a near-zero margin network, including the key attributes of flexible line equipment and programmable coherent modems. He also explains how