Concert crowd with phones

Densifying the Network, One Small Cell at a Time

It’s not surprising that Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are looking to densify their networks. Not only is it a logical step to improve geographic coverage while adding much need additional capacity, it’s also a significant step to address changing end-user demands.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Network's Annual Check-Up?

The evolution toward a more holistic, personalized health maintenance program will create an explosion of data putting more pressure on our communication networks. Is your network healthy enough to make the sharing of this information possible? Ciena’s Daniele Loffreda discusses.

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Speedometer dial, red 100

From the Archive: 100GbE: Closer to the Edge, Closer to Reality

100GbE speeds may seem like overkill, but there’s a need for 100GbE services across a growing number of network scenarios.

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 What is SDN?

SDN enables consistent management of the network, which may be made up of complex technology parts.

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