5G in Indonesia: The business case and architecture needs
Indonesia’s 5G business case
Indonesia is home to many tower companies, and more mobile than wireline operators. Once 5G licenses are available, all the interested service providers will not have time to build out all the necessary fiber for their own 5G networks. Therefore, companies who already own fiber will be able to roll out 5G faster, and they can sell wholesale 5G xHaul (fronthaul, midhaul, backhaul) to tower and mobile service provider companies. Under this model, telecom conglomerates who own both fiber infrastructure and mobile service provider arms will hold a consolidated advantage.
5G use cases in Indonesia
Indonesia’s future 5G providers will offer leaps and bounds in home internet access quality. Additional use cases are practical to the economy here. In the IDC Asia/Pacific Carrier Transformation Survey 2020, Indonesian carriers ranked massive IoT communications, multi-access edge computing, and fixed wireless access as the top three anticipated use cases for 5G.
Source: IDC Asia/Pacific Carrier Transformation Survey 2020
In the same survey, Indonesian carriers ranked 5G the most difficult transformation category to implement, outranking options such as blockchain and “data, analytics, and AI”.
So, what are some best practices in implementing 5G?
As we’ve covered alongside our 5G product announcements, based on Ciena’s 5G vision, we’re leading a fundamental change towards open, standards-based networks that allows network operators to leverage a broad ecosystem of vendors, technologies, and movements like O-RAN, intelligent closed-loop automation, analytics, virtualization, disaggregation, and Multi-access Edge Compute (MEC). And accordingly, we’re working with customers who are innovating on their unique path to 5G.
Ciena is part of launching Canada’s 5G communication highway through ENCQOR, a transformational $400 million partnership that brings together five global digital technology leaders (Ciena Canada Inc., Ericsson, Thales Canada Inc., IBM Canada, and CGI) and provincial coordinators Prompt, CEFRIO, and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE).
Within our Asia-Pacific region, Spark New Zealand selected Ciena to supply the hardware, software, and services to design and build Spark’s Optical Transport Network (OTN 2). “With Ciena’s WaveLogic 5, advanced network automation and intelligent restoration capabilities, Spark can quickly support 5G and IoT services and trailblaze their way into the next chapter of innovation,” according to Rick Seeto, Vice President and General Manager of Asia-Pacific and Japan, Ciena.